Through the years, I have witnessed so many disagreements within my family that easily turn into grudges. It's hard for me to understand the actions of most of my famly members and I just cannot find sympathy for these people. How could anyone discard someone once so close to heart? Life molds us all in different ways and, yes, it can hold quite an effect on our relationships but when it comes to family, nothing should ever be more superior.
I will never forget the phone call my family recieved, now two years ago. I was shocked, excited, upset, but all the same, blessed. Learning of my sister's pregnancy was a huge deal for awhile. Nichole was a young college student, so close to graduation, out of wedlock of course, and pregnant by a young black man with two other children. It took my parents some time to take this all in but our love for her never swayed and we were behind her 100%, all the way.
I wish I could say the same thing happened with her mother and step father, but unfortunatley that is not how things turned out. Soon, my sister had been disowned by her own mother and her step father. The woman who gave birth to her, housed her all her life, loved her from the first moment of conception, had now abandoned her. This was the last thing my sister needed while already going through the stress of the pregnancy and we had to be there for her, more than ever.
Nichole is a strong woman and I hope to someday be like her because she can make it through anything, I swear! Kortlin Ryder Rogers is now almost three years old and he could not be more perfect. I feel sorry for those who are missing out on his life. Kortlin will always have one set of grand parents, my parents, but the other set, he will never know.
I understand how it feels to watch family members get into fights and hold grudges, and your stick sitting there watching and wondering. Its amazing how the smallest things to us are the most major relationship threatening problems to them.